Everything Journal 2021

Years…I’m not sure how many, but I’ve set goals every year for probably decades. My process has evolved over time from using Covey’s Seven Habits to writing morning pages as recommended by Julia Cameron in her amazing book, An Artist’s Way. In the last four or five years, I’ve evolved into what I consider to be my “Everything Journal”. It includes my goals, projects, sketches, collage, paintings and daily thoughts and writings. It’s messy, as life sometimes is, but it has created a place that holds my dreams and action plans, my frustrations and all those possibilities. The books have become an amazing resource when I have an artist’s block and a history of how far I’ve come. 

This year, I had a number of requests to learn more about how I use my journals. So, here it is. A short video that may be helpful to you in your planning efforts. 

Just a couple thoughts:

  • Get a book that works for you, preferably something you can easily carry with you
  • Add numbered pages and a table of contents if it isn’t in included in your book
  • Begin with your accomplishments. Let’s celebrate our efforts.

I hope you enjoy the video and let me know if you have any questions. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!