Inspired to Create- A Chat with Jennifer Steck


How did the Inspired to create Chats begin?

I began interviewing artists online for the Park Hill Art Club right after COVID lockdowns began in the spring of 2020. I was hoping it would provide something positive for all of us no longer able to create together at in-person classes.

Who was I to do something like that?

I was nervous, but my desire to get involved in responding to such a frightening and painful situation was stronger than my fear.  I was also worried about the artists who had lost their incomes overnight. Some were working to transition to online classes and others still had beautiful bodies of work available for sale. Could I introduce art lovers and students to each of these amazing artists?

Here we are almost two years later and I’ve had the honor and privilege of interviewing more than 20 incredible artists from sculptors to painters to jewelry makers. I transitioned over from interviewing for the Art Club to including these special chats as part of my Inspired to Create series here on my website.

I’m not always the most comfortable in front of the camera or the easel, so when people asked me to tell them more about my story, I kept putting it off. The time is finally here and my good friend and mentor, Ardith Goodwin, has volunteered to conduct the interview. 

My Bio

About Me

I’ve always created as far back as I can remember and it’s been my “go to” place when life has been a bit overwhelming. After retiring from a 30+ year career in law enforcement, I was determined to learning more about creating by attending numerous classes, both online and in person. As I got braver, I began posting my work on social media. I remember the first time someone asked to purchased one of my creations. I was shocked and had no idea on how to price or actually sell a piece. 

Could I? Would I? Was I good enough? A million questions and real fear…

Ultimately, after input from trusted friends, I decided to go for it. Four+ years later, I’m a full time working artist, still pinching myself to make sure it’s real. I’m teaching classes on art techniques and business. It’s brought me so much joy, especially as my critters travel out into the world.

After everything is said and done, we are all artists in our own right. I encourage you to take the leap and embrace your creativity. It’s your voice in a sometimes chaotic world.  

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